If you made a New Year’s resolution to pursue ABVP certification in Swine Health Management, you’ll want to make sure to submit your application and fee for the entrance examination to the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners by this Monday, January 15. The application is available on the ABVP website at http://www.abvp.com/pdfs/swine_entry_exam_app.pdf. The entrance examination will be conducted on Saturday, March 3 during the AASV 2007 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.
If pursuing board certification in Swine Health Management isn’t already on your list of resolutions, perhaps you’d like to give it some consideration by reviewing information regarding the SHM certification process here, or by contacting one of the volunteer Swine Health Management mentors listed here.
AASV members who have recently achieved Swine Health Management Diplomate status include Drs. Luc Dufresne and Sue Burlatschenko in 2005, and Drs. Janet Alsop and Jane Carpenter in 2006. A total of 25 veterinarians have been recognized as ABVP SHM diplomates since the program’s inception.