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PCVAD Vaccines Decrease Mortality in Canada

According to Canadian veterinarians and AASV members Dr. John Harding and Dr. Francois Cardinal the two Porcine Circovirus vaccines currently in use in Canada appear to be effective in anecdotal reports from the field.

There are two vaccines currently available in Canada to address Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease (PCVAD). One, manufactured by Merial, is a sow vaccine administered prior to farrowing and the other, produced by Intervet, is administered to the piglets at weaning. Reports from the field suggest that both vaccines have been effective at reducing the mortality associated with the disease.

Dr. Cardinal reports that producers in Quebec were beginning to see declines in mortality prior to the introduction of the vaccines, but the decline has been more significant following vaccination. He reports finishing mortality has declined from an average of 10% at the outbreak’s peak to 2 or 2.5% following vaccination. Dr. Harding concurs that the improvements can likely be contributed to multiple factors including the development of herd resistance over time, improved management factors and vaccination.

Source:, Episode 2254

[Ed. Veterinarians are also utilizing PCV type 2 vaccines in U.S. herds and, like the Canadian experience, the reported early results appear to indicate that the vaccines are effective here as well.]