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Vietnam and South Africa Report Continued Outbreaks of FMD

In Vietnam, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), which was initially confirmed nationwide in 2005, has now reappeared in the Mekong Delta region. The disease is affecting cattle and pigs in Vinh Long, Hau Giang, and Bac Lieu provinces resulting in tightened movement controls, disinfection and vaccinations. Last year 17,363 cattle and 18,232 pigs were reported to be infected. Of them, 247 cattle and 12,072 pigs died of the disease or were culled.

South African officials have confirmed an outbreak in an area next to Kruger National Park which lies adjacent to the border with Mozambique. The area is a foot-and-mouth disease buffer zone where all animals must be vaccinated against the disease twice a year. Thus far, 11 cattle have been infected. The government said it had stepped up measures, such as restricting animal movement and vaccinations, to prevent more cases, and said no cloven-hoofed animals, or their products, would leave the area.


Cattle Network,
August 8, 2006