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One is Too Many

As a reminder to producers and veterinarians working with swine, it is important that we remain vigilant to minimizing the presence of foreign objects in pigs presented for slaughter.

The National Pork Board has revitalized its "One is Too Many" campaign reminding producers to watch for broken needles and insure that if a broken needle occurs the pig or pigs affected are identified and reported to the packing plant so the needle can be recovered at slaughter.

Also, it has come to our attention that some producers may be using plastic ties to fix ruptures. This is a practice that should be eliminated if observed. Plastic ties, unlike appropriate suture material, is not absorbed and thus could end up in pork products or damage equipment at the packing plant.

In order to raise awareness of this issue, the National Pork Board has designed a check stuffer that packers and veterinarians can use to remind their producers of the importance of this issue. If you are interested in utilizing these materials, they can be ordered by calling the Pork Board at (800) 456-PORK or by email at