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I?ve Been Selected as One of America?s Top Veterinarians, Have You?

I wanted to make you all aware of an exciting event that happened to me just the other day. I was opening my copious amount of fan mail when I came across a rather official looking envelope from State License Documentation in Woodland Hills, CA. Upon opening the envelope I was both shocked and awed to learn that I had been listed in the "Guide to America’s Top Veterinarians."

As the letter from SLD Industries went on to inform me, being selected as one of "America’s Top Veterinarians" is quite an honor and I want to thank all of you who voted for me. I was thinking it sure would be nice if the selection had come with a nice plaque to commemorate my accomplishment when, lo and behold, I notice that SLD had thoughtfully included in their letter an opportunity for me to order an appropriately garish display suitable for my office wall or desk.

Well, being that my walls are already overloaded with awards, certificates and other commemorations, I decided to go with the desk top model. When I opened their brochure to see how to place my order, I was slightly taken aback when I found out that the ability to appropriately display the honor bestowed upon me by my admiring colleagues was going to cost me approximately $200. I momentarily considered opting for the equally prestigious, albeit somewhat more conservative, lapel pin for $15.00 but ultimately decided that being listed as one of "America’s Top Veterinarians" was likely to result in an inundation of job offers and speaking engagements. I decided nothing would do but the desk plaque.

Imagine, however, my dismay when I turned the page to view the hopefully smaller than actual size replica of the plaque commemorating my achievement – the veterinary caduceus upon which I swore my oath to this profession had grown a set of wings and an extra snake!!!

Somehow, I think there may be more than one too many snakes associated with SLD Industries. Oh well, I guess for now I’ll just bask in the glory of having made the AASV Directory one more year! That’s plenty of recognition for me even without the commemorative desk top plaque. And, I had a spot all cleared off, too.