Attendees will see a new twist to the Industrial Partners sessions at the AASV 2007 Annual Meeting in Orlando. While the number of sessions for oral presentation has been reduced from three to two, a poster session has been added to provide another opportunity for companies to share their research and technical information with AASV members. All presentations – oral and poster – will be published in the proceedings of the meeting.
As in the past, the two oral sessions will consist of a series of 15-minute presentations scheduled from 1:00 to 5:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, March 4. The poster session will take place the same day. Poster authors will be required to be stationed with their poster from 12:00 noon until 1:00 pm, but the posters will remain on display throughout the afternoon for viewing by meeting attendees.
Call for abstracts
The AASV invites submissions from commercial companies interested in participating in the Industrial Partners sessions. Companies that are members of the Journal of Swine Health and Production Industry Support Council (listed here) may submit up to two topics for oral presentation. All other companies may submit one topic for oral presentation. Each company may submit one additional topic for poster presentation. All topics must represent information not previously presented at the AASV annual meeting or published in the meeting proceedings.
Interested companies should send the topic title, a brief description or abstract of the presentation content, company name, and presenter information (name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address) for each presentation to:
Commercial Sessions
902 1st Avenue
Perry, Iowa 50220 USA
Fax: 515-465-3832
Please identify whether the submission is intended for oral or poster presentation. Submissions must be received by October 1, 2006.
Authors will be notified of their selection by October 16, 2006, and must submit the complete paper for publication in the proceedings by November 15, 2006.