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New PRRS vaccine technology introduced

A Minnesota-based company has announced the launch of a new technology for producing PRRSV vaccine. The process is said to offer greater antigen content and the option for including multiple strains.

MJ Biologics, based in Mankato, Minn. has launched Selectigen? MJPRRS? Technology (patent pending) for producing PRRS Viral Antigen Concentrate Subunit Vaccine. The technology was invented by Dr. HanSoo Joo, professor at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.

A press release issued by MJ Biologics states that autogenous vaccine formulated using this method offered cross protection against several different strains of the PRRS virus in field trials. The Selectigen MJPRRS technology has been sublicensed to Newport Laboratories in Worthington, Minn. for the marketing and distribution of autogenous biologics.