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Wisconsin Approves CAFO Revisions

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources approved revisions to its rules governing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), NR 243, at its May 24th meeting. These revisions affect manure handling on livestock operations having greater than 1000 animal units (approximately 2500 pigs).

The revisions call for restrictions on applying manure on frozen or snow-covered ground unless it is injected or immediately incorporated into the ground. In addition, producers would be required to have storage capacity for six months worth of liquid manure. The NR 243 revisions would also provide for statewide phosphorus-based nutrient management requirements; standard permitting requirements for CAFOs including mortality management, restrictions on chemical disposal in storage or containment facilities, storm-water controls and development of an emergency response plan; setback requirements from wells, sinkholes and fractured bedrock; and revised inspection, monitoring and reporting requirements.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources