I am pleased to announce that I have selected Dr. Elizabeth Lautner as the new Director of APHIS’ National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL). Dr. Lautner brings an impressive wealth of knowledge and experience to this position. Most recently, Dr. Lautner served as Center Director, Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) within the Science and Technology Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). She was the first DHS Center Director and served in that capacity from January 2004 until March 2006.
As Center Director, Dr. Lautner was responsible for administration and operations of the Center, a Biosafety Level 3 and 3 Agriculture facility with a budget of $50 million, and oversight of the DHS science program at the Center consisting of vaccine testing and evaluation and forensic capabilities for foreign animal diseases. She chaired the Senior Leadership Group which coordinated the on-site diagnostic and research programs and interactions for DHS, APHIS, and ARS. She served as the Executive Secretary for PIADC’s Board of Directors which consists of DHS, APHIS, and ARS Administrators. In addition, she represented DHS on USDA’s National Surveillance Steering Committee and National Veterinary Stockpile Committee.
Prior to joining DHS, Dr. Lautner served as Vice President for Science and Technology at the National Pork Board. At the NPB she was responsible for a $6 million budget that funded research and development on a variety of animal health and agricultural issues. In addition to these positions Dr. Lautner was a practicing veterinarian for more than 12 years. In 1986, she opened her own practice, Swine Health Services, in LeMars, IA, where she provided herd health programs and computerized records for area pork producers.
Dr. Lautner received a BS degree and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Michigan State University. She also has a MS degree from the University of Minnesota. Lautner is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA), and the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV). In 1994, she received the Howard W. Dunne Memorial Award for outstanding service to AASV and the pork industry. Dr. Lautner also received the APHIS Administrator’s Award in 1997 in recognition of her contributions to the advancement of animal health. In 2002, she received the Meritorious Service Award from the National Institute for Animal Agriculture. In 2005, she received a DHS Under Secretary Award in recognition of her accomplishments in Program Management at PIADC.
In recent years, NVSL has faced a number of critical challenges – the combined services initiative, intense activity related to BSE, and the increasing attention being paid to avian influenza are but a few. In spite of increasing demands and scrutiny, NVSL has long enjoyed a reputation as a world class laboratory. I am confident that under Dr. Lautner’s skilled and seasoned leadership, NVSL will continue its outstanding work. Dr. Lautner will assume her new role on May 7, 2006. Please join me in welcoming her to NVSL.