The PRRS Coordinated Agricultural Project (PRRS-CAP) has finalized the agenda for a PRRS workshop to be held on Saturday March 4, 2006 at the AASV annual meeting. The workshop is scheduled from 8:00am – noon in the Shawnee Mission Room at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City.
Agenda for PRRS-CAP Workshop
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
Shawnee Mission Room
Westin Crown Center
Kansas City, Missouri
PRRS-CAP Progress Report and 2006 Grant Renewal Research Initiatives
08:00 — Welcome and Review of PRRS-CAP Goals and Accomplishments in 2005. Michael Murtaugh (~0.5 hr)
08:30 — 2006 International PRRS Symposium planning. Joan Lunney (~0.25 hr)
08:45 — PRRS-CAP Grant renewal outline for 2006, including the need for AASV participation Michael Murtaugh (~0.25 hr)
09:00 — A research initiative in regional elimination, including partnerships between AASV and PRRS-CAP. Scott Dee (~1-1.5 hr)
10:30 — Break (~0.25 hr)
10:45 — NPB/PRRS-CAP initiatives for competitive PRRS research funding in priority areas. Michael Murtaugh (~1-1.5 hr)
11:30 — NPB/PRRS-CAP initiatives for research in genetic resistance to PRRS. Joan Lunney (~0.5 hr)
12:00 — Concluding Remarks