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SHIC/AASV Webinar Will Address HPAI in Livestock and Risk to Swine

For the first time in the US, highly pathogenic avian influenza has been identified in domestic livestock including goats and dairy cattle. To understand the threat HPAI poses to domestic livestock species, and to inform producers on actions that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection on-farm, the Swine Health Information Center in collaboration with the American Association of Swine Veterinarians will host a webinar on influenza A viruses on Friday, April 19, 2024, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm CST.

SHIC-funded Vehicle Movement Study Provides Insight into Risks for Swine Disease Spread

A project funded by the Swine Health Information Center focusing on the role of vehicle movement in swine disease dissemination has recently been published in the Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Principal investigators Drs. Gustavo Machado and Jason Galvis, North Carolina State University, studied a novel method to analyze the role of vehicle movement in swine disease spread by accounting for the variability around pathogen stability and vehicle cleaning effectiveness. Specifically, the study investigated the moving vehicle’s role in disease spread from farm to farm by considering 1) the factors that may affect the pathogen stability on the contaminated vehicle and 2) the efficacy of the procedure to clean and disinfect the contaminated vehicle.

SHIC Global Disease Monitoring Report Renewed by Board

Since December 2017, more than 80 Global Swine Disease Monitoring Reports have been developed by a team at the University of Minnesota, now led by Dr. Maria Sol Perez Aguirreburualde. Funded by the Swine Health Information Center as part of its mission to identify emerging disease threats, the monthly reports are published in the SHIC newsletter and serve as a frequently accessed resource for the swine industry on the SHIC website. Reports are built with near real-time global surveillance of swine diseases for their content and rely on a network of global collaborators to expand and verify regional information. With renewal, the GSDMR will continue and expand in 2024 with a new online dashboard to display the global distribution of priority swine diseases in near real-time.

AVMA State Legislative Update

Throughout the year, as a service to assist associations in tracking current and emerging policy trends important to veterinary medicine, the AVMA Division of State Advocacy sent over 800 legislative and regulatory alerts in 2023 to state and allied veterinary medical associations. This report catalogs those bills and their end of 2023 status.