The following story was shared with me by Sherrie Webb. It recounts a recent exchange between her 4-year-old son, Bennett, and his dad, Patrick, during a brief stop on their way to daycare.
In Caseys, picking out a donut
B: I want that one with sprinkles.
P: You don’t like cake donuts.
B: I’ll take that one with sprinkles.
P: That’s a cake donut.
B: I’ll try it.
P: Ok.
Back in the car
B: Mmmm, this cake donut is good!
P: So, you’re making a liar out of me?
A little later
B: Dad?
P: What?
B: I don’t like it.
P: Ha!
B: I know I don’t like cake donuts, but my body makes me get them cuz I just love cake!